27.04.05 Innovations

  • Form and duration of training full-time – 2 years, intra-extramural – 2 years 5 months
  • The program is implemented at the Institute of Transport Engineering and Operation Systems

Within the framework of this program, specialists are trained in order to obtain the knowledge of the world's advanced technologies, which will be able to help in solving new complex professional tasks and overcome the fragmentation of the innovation environment. Future masters will have skills that will help to create models of joint ventures commissioned by Russian and foreign companies and develop strategic partnerships in technological innovation.

  • Statistical methods in innovation management
  • Modern problems of innovation
  • Management of innovation processes
  • Management of innovative programs
  • Risk management in the innovation sector
  • Internships in leading Russian transport and logistics companies (JSC "Russian Railways", Mosgortans, etc.), transport engineering enterprises (Metrovagonmash, Siemens, etc)
  • Interactive lectures and practical classes in the "100 best employers"
  • Acceleration and project sessions on implementation of the idea, development of technological maps, preparation of the project for industrial implementation and commercial scaling in the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, Open Innovation", Archimedes, etc.
  • Demonstration exams according to the World Skills standards in the union "Young Professionals", etc.
  • Head of the department
  • Director of development
  • Executive director of the company's structural division, including the innovation business
  • Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation
  • JSC “Russian Railways”
  • Siemens AG
  • Alstom
  • Bombardier