The aim of the program is to train highly qualified competitive specialists in the field of transportation arrangement and road safety on urban land and electric transport.

A graduate can work in:

  • JSC "Mostransavto"
  • "DS Logistics" LLC
  • "InterRailService" LLC
  • State Budgetary Institution "Road Transport"
  • Traffic safety services of public and private road transport companies
  • Freight and forwarding enterprises of road transport
  • Marketing services and departments for the study and maintenance of the transportation services market
  • Research enterprises engaged in activities in the development field of transport engineering and technology of transport processes, arrangement and safety of traffic on road transport
  • Educational institutions of road transport for employees training
  • Management of technical and commercial operation of road transport
  • Arrangement of road transport operations in suburban and urban and intercity traffic
  • Coordination of measures to arrange the transportation process, manage and ensure traffic safety on road transport
  • Regulatory support of road traffic safety (Traffic code)
  • Technical operation of road transport
  • Automation systems in road transport
  • Digital technologies in road transport
  • Linear structures of passenger transport
  • Automated control systems of road transport
  • Safety of road transport
  • Survey methods of transportation processes
  • Transportation, handling facilities and technological processes of road transport

You will be able to arrange effective commercial work at the site of railway transport, develop and implement rational methods of work with users of transport services. As well, as provide solutions to problems related to the creation of transport and cargo complexes. The field of professional activity includes the arrangement and management of transportation on the railroad network, ensuring the timeliness and quality of cargo and passenger delivery; solving problem of planning and complex regulation of car and locomotive fleets; ensuring the safety and continuity of train traffic.

  • Fundamentals of transportation process management
  • Arrangement of passenger transportation
  • Logistics basics
  • Project management in transportation business and logistics
  • Industrial transport
  • Technical and technological service of station complexes
  • Service in freight transportation
  • OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Transportation Logistics Group "Transoil"
  • JSC "Russian Railways Logistics"
  • Territorial Center for Firm Transportation Services (TCFTS) – a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • JSC "Federal Freight Company"
  • FM Logistic
  • "Gazpromtrans" LLC
  • Heads of transportation control centers
  • Heads and chief engineers of design organizations
  • Heads of transportation, operator and logistics companies
  • Station duty officer
  • Train dispatcher
  • Shunting dispatcher
  • Transportation network safety engineer
  • Dispatcher specialist
  • Head, deputy head and chief engineer of a railway station
  • OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Traffic Control Directorate – branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
  • PJSC "TransContainer"
  • OJSC "RailTransAuto"
  • PJSC "First Freight Company"
  • JSC "Federal Passenger Company"

You will be able to arrange effective commercial work at the site of railway transport, develop and implement rational methods of work with users of transport services. As well, as provide solutions to problems related to the creation of transport and cargo complexes. The field of professional activity includes the arrangement and management of transportation on the railroad network, ensuring the timeliness and quality of cargo and passenger delivery; solving problem of planning and complex regulation of car and locomotive fleets; ensuring the safety and continuity of train traffic.

  • Fundamentals of transportation process management
  • Arrangement of passenger transportation
  • Logistics basics
  • Project management in transportation business and logistics
  • Industrial transport
  • Technical and technological service of station complexes
  • Service in freight transportation
  • OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Transportation Logistics Group "Transoil"
  • JSC "Russian Railways Logistics"
  • Territorial Center for Firm Transportation Services (TCFTS) – a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • JSC "Federal Freight Company"
  • FM Logistic
  • "Gazpromtrans" LLC
  • Heads of transportation control centers
  • Heads and chief engineers of design organizations
  • Heads of transportation, operator and logistics companies
  • Station duty officer
  • Train dispatcher
  • Shunting dispatcher
  • Transportation network safety engineer
  • Dispatcher specialist
  • Head, deputy head and chief engineer of a railway station
  • OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Traffic Control Directorate – branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
  • PJSC "TransContainer"
  • OJSC "RailTransAuto"
  • PJSC "First Freight Company"
  • JSC "Federal Passenger Company"

The goal of this program is to form principles, professional competencies and digital technologies based on modern teaching methods. The common space is a new generation transport and logistics network (network-centric transport and logistics network (NTLN)) based on digital technologies and methods of process engineering in transport and logistics systems and complexes.

This profile will train new generation specialists with knowledge in the creation of modern integrated transport and logistics networks. It will be based on proactive management, digital platforms for coordination of transport and logistics activities, development of digital services at all stages and digital transformation of railway infrastructure.

  • Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
  • OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Corporate Transport Service Center
  • JSC "Russian Railways Logistics"
  • "First Freight Company"
  • "Federal Freight Company"
  • M&M
  • "LUKOIL-Trans"
  • Conducting research in the field of systems engineering
  • Developing approaches and methodologies for building and operating complex systems of any scale and purpose in various domains
  • Management of complex systems in the field of digital transport
  • Designing integrated, large-scale, high-tech systems that interact primarily at the enterprise level using human-machine interfaces
  • Design and maintenance of intermodal transportation hubs
  • Creation of new end-to-end digital technologies of transportation process arrangement
  • Creation of new business processes, increasing the efficiency of existing processes through the introduction of digital products and the use of breakthrough technologies based on the use of data. Implementation of digital technologies in transport (digital railroad, digital asset management in transport, digital logistics)
  • Designing information and analytical systems and technologies for business process management under conditions of incomplete and contradictory information

Active development of agglomerations and public urban transport, creation of long-term urban planning policy, initially focused on the development of public transport; development of information technologies, primarily to improve the efficiency of interaction with users; development of transport planning and modeling technologies determine the need for specialists of a new formation.

  • Development of urban transport projects
  • Modeling of passenger and traffic flows, transport and interchange hubs
  • Development of traffic arrangement plan
  • Simulation modeling of railway stations and junctions
  • Identification of transport infrastructure bottlenecks
  • Transport Analyst
  • Transport Process Technologist
  • Transport Planning Engineer
  • Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure in Moscow
  • OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • "Moscow Metro"
  • "Mostransproject"
  • Central Road Traffic Department
  • "Mosgortrans"
  • Institute of Moscow General Plan
  • Research and Design Institute of Territorial Development and Transport Infrastructure
  • NRU "Higher School of Economics"
  • Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University
  • "Moscow Parking"